Charlie Wellish's Article in Health and Fitness

389 The True Cost of Dental Implants in Australia List For 2021
Are you looking for the real dental implants cost in Australia? The cost of dental implants has dropped 20% per year over the last seven to nine years! Let's get into it straight!
Posted on Aug-05-2021

511 How You Can Save Money On Your Dental Care With a $99 Dental Plan?
Are you looking for an affordable option to maintain your healthy smile? Then consider choosing a $99 dental clinic! Yes, at $99, you can get treatment for the great majority of all your general dentistry needs.
Posted on Jul-16-2021

533 Why You Should Not Ignore Dental Pain?
In today's busy world, you might ignore a dental pain until it worsens or until your next dental appointment.
Posted on Jun-28-2021

497 With These After Care Tips, Handle Your Wisdom Teeth Removal!
Wisdom teeth extraction is a general dental procedure that most of us will need at some point in our life.
Posted on Jun-28-2021

557 Understand The Dental Implant Procedure Before Going For One!
Having a tooth fall out means more than just losing your looks and a confident smile.
Posted on Jun-28-2021

521 Why Should You Get Dental Fillings?
We do all the oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing regularly and avoid sugary snacks, but sometimes we cannot prevent tooth decay.
Posted on Jun-28-2021

734 Dental Implants or Dentures what is Most good for me?
Dentures are nothing but artificial teeth. Yet, despite the quality improvement, they are not practical for everyone.
Posted on Apr-18-2021

558 Wisdom Teeth Facts you should know
Wisdom teeth, what are they? How did they get this name? Wisdom teeth are nothing but the last set of molars to develop.
Posted on Apr-18-2021

592 Here is what you must know about Dental Implants
Many people with missing teeth opt for dental implants, all praises to its success rate in providing patients with strong teeth restorations.
Posted on Apr-18-2021

594 How to get the most of Your Dental Implants?
Dental implants offered at $99 dental clinic, no doubt, has become a standard teeth replacement choice nowadays, providing long-term solutions to people who suffer from missing tooth or teeth.
Posted on Apr-18-2021

565 Different Dental Procedures
Are you dissatisfied with your smile? For enhancing the quality of your smile, 99 dentist has a range of methods and techniques at their disposal.
Posted on Mar-21-2021

593 Diet Tips to Follow After Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure
Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in your mouth, found in the back. They normally appear when you're between the ages of 17 and 25.
Posted on Mar-21-2021

709 Dental Implants Are Expensive – Why?
Have you looked into the cost of dental implants in Australia and discovered that they are prohibitively expensive?
Posted on Mar-21-2021

580 What Are The Factors To Consider While Choosing A Dental Clinic?
Dental health is an essential component of our overall well-being.
Posted on Mar-21-2021

610 Now You Can Have Dental Implants At $1850 - Know How?
The dental implants cost will be high, as of 2019, but not today! Yes, you can have a dental implant at $1850 if you choose the right source.
Posted on Feb-10-2021

522 Got A Toothache? Know How $99 Dental Plans Will Help You!
A toothache is a pain in or around a tooth that a number of dental problems may cause. You have a fever, earache, or pain upon opening your mouth wide, your toothache is severe, or you have a toothache that lasts longer than 1 or 2 days
Posted on Feb-10-2021

471 The Dental Implants Cost in Australia; the Latest Update 2021
The dental implant is one of the best natural teeth alternation options, which is proved in recent years. This not only a perfect solution for mission teeth, but also for preventing jaw bone loss. The implant will act as the artificial tooth roots and hold the crown that seems like your natural teeth.
Posted on Jan-25-2021

564 Services Offered By a Good Dentist
A dentist who offers services related to the general maintenance of dental health and hygiene is the concept of a general dentist.
Posted on Jan-19-2021

577 Thing To Consider While Choosing A Dentist
You need to find a dentist that's new? You may have moved or switched jobs.
Posted on Jan-19-2021

512 Now You Can Have Cheap Wisdom Teeth Removal in Australia - Know How!
Wisdom teeth; It is your last teeth to erupt in the mouth of an individual, and like other teeth, most of the time, it doesn't grow properly.
Posted on Jan-19-2021

488 How Much Dental Implants Cost In Australia?
Many people think that since dental implants provide a nearly perfect solution to our issues with respect to missing tooth or teeth, they perhaps cost a lot. However, this is not always the case.
Posted on Dec-15-2020

527 Things You Need To Know About Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are the last or most posterior teeth in the dental arch, which is usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25. Sometimes, a person will feel the effects of the wisdom teeth before they are able to visualize them in their mouth.
Posted on Dec-08-2020

567 $99 Dentist Clinics 101
Now is a great time to look at dental practice's fees! Fee for service dentistry provides people with high quality, appropriate treatment for their needs in exchange for a fair fee considering the time, care, skill, judgment and materials required to render that treatment. Fee for service dentistry is not based on a fixed fee delivery system that predetermines what the fee should be or how the treatment should be.
Posted on Dec-01-2020

700 These Are the Ten Things That Stain Your Teeth the Most
Like scoring a big promotion or a date with your long time crush, a luminous, white smile is the stuff dreams are made of. And it's no wonder, considering how much the appearance of our teeth affects our image.
Posted on Nov-29-2020

1041 Tooth Filling – Tips to Care and Maintain In Good Condition
Having to get a cavity filled can leave your mouth feeling a little awkward. If you would like to know how to take care of your fresh filling done by 99 dentist, check out the following tips.
Posted on Oct-30-2020